Located within 2 St Peter’s Square, just next to the statue of Emmeline Pankhurst, Hive is a 16 foot interactive art installation that was installed back in April 2019. Commissioned by CBRE and created by James Billington (founder of event and floristry specialists CitiBlooms), the stainless-steel ‘beehive’ structure sits to one side of the building’s main reception area.

Six months in the making, it is constructed from 100 honeycomb hexagons covered in flowers and filled with the sound of buzzing bees. The space is designed to be multifunctional, suitable for both relaxation and meetings, and also act as a living garden, changing with the seasons.

Inside the Hive, dotted amongst the flowers are a number of small bees and beehives. There’s also a book, detailing the inspiration and creation of the space.

The Hive is a beautiful looking space and well worth a visit if youre in the area.